Managed Services Match Web Hosting and Co-location Revenues in Europe

March 19, 2006
March 19, 2006 – (HOSTSEARCH.COM) – A report by consultancy BroadGroup suggests that Managed Services in Europe experience 20% growth annually and revenues from the area match those from web hosting and co-location combined. The report, to be presented at next week's Data Centres Europe event ( also suggests that the European Managed Services market is likely to triple in value by 2011.

The Managed Services Europe report offers an assessment of the sector and discusses strategies for those entering the market. According to the report business in Europe is ‘receptive’ to third-party infrastructure and assets management. A big decision for those entering the area is whether to deliver standardized or customized solutions.

"2006 will be a watershed year in the provisioning of Managed Services in Europe," commented Keith Breed, Research Director at BroadGroup. "Managed Services across the region should now evolve as a distinct significant growth market, with the UK and German markets forming the nucleus of activity."

The report further suggests that Telecom Providers are likely to become the dominate players in Europe’s hosting sector and likely to take 32% market share by 2011.

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