Newbie Web Host Activitor Bursts onto the Scene with $3.95/Month Plan Including Database

June 17, 2005
June 17, 2005 - (HOSTSEARCH.COM) - The web hosting industry is full to the bursting point with free and low cost hosting plans but Domains $3.95/month web hosting sale looks almost too good to be true.

The Economy Plan includes 500MB disk space, 25GB monthly data transfer, 100 email accounts, 50 email forwarding accounts, 1 MySQL database, Windows or Linux Server Operating System with support for ASP and PHP, and 24x7 Email and Telephone support.

With such a strong offer for the price the HostSearch team went into investigative action scouring the net for dirt on Activator. The Drudge Report, the National Enquirer, and the New York Times all came up empty as did Googling for reviews and a quick search of a few different web hosting forums.

Turning to Activator’s web site it is evident from their 2005 copyright these guys must be new on the block.

If it’s as good as they say it is and they can turn a profit on this deal then this is an up and coming web host for certain. Good luck Activitor.

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