December 1 - (HOSTSEARCH.COM) - The first turnkey service for those looking to create and publish their own podcasts was made available by Gcast ( today. The revolutionary new service is free of charge and reduces the podcasting process to a series of easy-to-follow steps accessible to novices and those with limited technical background. A sister service to, Gcast offers everyone using the service free web hosting.
"Our original vision with has always been to democratize the music industry by empowering musicians," said Ali Partovi, CEO of and Gcast. "However, our broader vision with Gcast is to democratize the broader media industry. By embracing user-generated content of all kinds, we are making personal broadcasting a reality."
Gcast is the only solution available on the Internet offering free hosting and the system offers access to the world's largest library of podsafe music.
Gcast also offers a significant range of features including an Online Playlist Manager that auto-generates podcasts, and podcasting by phone (where users actually create a podcast on the telephone).
"By enabling anybody to get their voice heard, Gcast opens a vast new frontier for personal broadcasting," said Bob Kingsley, a former UK-based radio DJ whose podcast, Kingsley's Corner. "I dropped out of commercial radio some years ago because I was increasingly frustrated by the creative restrictions that seemed to accompany it. All I ever really wanted to do was to play my personal choice of good music, have a chat about it, and give it the respect it deserves. Thanks to the Internet,, and Gcast, I can do exactly that, freed from those old creative restrictions."