April 5, 2005 - (HOSTSEARCH.COM) - Research and Markets has announced the addition of Outsourcing to India: An Overview of the Cost Savings Opportunities & Other Aspects That Will Have a Financial Impact on Your Bottom Line to their offering.
The book seeks to answer basic questions about outsourcing and the difference between outsourcing and off shoring and India. However, the book does not seem to offer any information regarding the dangers of going offshore in terms of fostering a technology based economy in a foreign country while discouraging it in ones own country. The trend towards outsourcing started with manufacturing in the auto-industry and has continued with chip manufacturing. Now, Asia has a preponderance of engineers who are working to improve and maintain their manufacturing base while the United States is producing fewer and fewer engineers each year. Some have wondered just how many programmers the US will have as times go by if the trend towards outsourcing continues.
The aim of this book is to tackle the above questions and in a simple, easy to read manner. This book will provide a reference of sorts for those among us with a heavy leaning towards India and will explain why so many companies are sending more and more of their operations there. This is not a book for those who have been outsourcing for 20 years, however a book for those business professionals who would like to begin the journey of understanding a business practice that will one day seem as commonplace as using FedEx to overnight documents.
In the past many companies kept functions like electricity generation and phone service "in house". Today that would seem fool hardy. We believe the same transformation will happen to IT and other business functions, only this time on a global scale. And we believe India will play a big part in this transformation. As almost no large company will be left out of this paradigm shift, it will become increasingly relevant for executives to know about the countries and cultures that will be supporting their organizations. This book starts you on that journey.