File Replication and Backup Software firm LinkPro Technologies, Inc., announced the release of IPReplicator(R) 2.6.
This release has a much improved monitoring and reporting for backup and recovery. IPReplicator is ideal for support of enterprise disaster recovery plans based upon remote data backup and recovery, said Frank Reinhart, president of LinkPro.
IPReplicators unique replication technology performs incremental disk-to-disk backups while conserving bandwidth and minimizing backup and recovery times.
Efficient global communication is accomplished using secure connections over TCP/IP based networks including the Internet. These capabilities combine to satisfy the need for real-time backup and quick recovery while at the same time providing maximum flexibility to global IT organizations implementing a disaster recovery plans.
IPReplicators distributed replication agents combined with intuitive central management operate automatically over LANs, WANs or the Internet. It provides file replication and backup of a whole range of enterprise data. It does this while conserving network resources and replicating over secure TCP/IP connections, even from behind firewalls.
IPReplicator offers compelling value: At 1/3 the price, it delivers the core features of its major competitors making it a very cost effective solution for those organizations having Windows based servers connected by TCP/IP networks. Reinhart said.
List price for IPReplicator, including two server licenses, is $1,498. Additional licenses start at $599 each and volume discounts are available. A free 30-day trial download is available from
Minimum system requirements: Windows NT/2000/2003 operating system software; 256MB RAM; 50MB disk space; VGA monitor, and CD-ROM drive.