Sony Adds Web Browser to Portable Play Station

August 25, 2005
August 25, 2005 - (HOSTSEARCH.COM) - Web hosting providers and webmasters alike will be interested to know that Sony Corp. is offering a software upgrade to its Play Station Portable to allow the mobile gaming device wireless access the Internet. The software includes a new Web browser, data security software, digital photo-sharing and video playback capabilities.
Sony has also created a new website specifically for the PSP and its new web browser.

According to the Sony website, “Users can control the look and feel of their PSP desktop display by choosing color themes or by saving a photo as wallpaper, which, along with other photos, can be wirelessly sent and received across PSP systems. The firmware 2.0 upgrade also provides enhanced audio playback options including the support of MP4 (AAC) and WAV (LPCM) formats and allows for new video playback options.”

With electronic devices of all manner rapidly becoming web-enabled the economic outlook should be particularly positive for web site owners and web hosting companies that wish to diversify or specialize in web sites and hosting for mobile devices or other web-enabled electronics.

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