The Web Hosting News Month in Review - May

June 5, 2005
Month in Review -- May 2005

The month of May started off with web host EasySpeedy offering 7 Linux/BSD distributions in 13 versions and a plan to make a boring web hosting sexy again. Comcast generously donated $2.3 million to the United Way to benefit 107 local United Ways by providing more resources to effectively address needs in the areas in which Comcast
employees live and work. It represents an increase in both dollars raised and employee participation over 2003 levels, making it the most successful campaign in Comcast history.

1&1 hosting offered a new web hosting plan to give any small business 6 months of free web hosting followed by IntelWeb offering hosting packages from $3-25 per year along with HostFree's offer of free SMB hosting and Whip Socket's announcement that they are cutting their rates.

A new Orion Multisystems desktop supercomputer which may well indicate that high end computing and even web hosting may be done from the desktop in the future. The DC-96 contains a "cluster" of 96 interconnected low-voltage microprocessors, each of which is capable of running at 1.2 Gigahertz, or 1.2 billion cycles per second. In another technological development Boingo Wireless announced in-flight Wi-Fi Internet service.

Microsoft announced a shared hosting conference to take place in many locations throughout June. In other Microsoft news, Gartner research offered their appraisal of the software maker's new OS Eiger.

Managed hosting solutions provider Verio announced
IPv6 Gateway Services will be provided to Internet access customer UltraDNS. The IPv6 services UltraDNS provides to its customer base expand beyond the United States, reaching to Hong Kong and London, making IPv6 an option for international customers.

Top 3 Hosts From Our Search

1BlueRay Concepts