Web host
GoDaddy has partnered with Richmond, Virginia-based software giant Microsoft to offer the corporation's cloud-based Office 365 solution. The partnership means Office 365 will be offered as GoDaddy's standard email and productivity solution for its small-business customers. The move complements GoDaddy's strategy of acting as a one-stop solution platform for small businesses.
Established in 1975, Microsoft is a global brand that spearheaded the introduction of productivity software through its now ubiquitous Microsoft Office suite. Recently the corporation has shifted from a 'direct sales' business model, where people licensed and owned Microsoft's software, to an online model based in the cloud. Its partnership with GoDaddy is an extremely good fit. The host caters to a 12-million strong global customer base through providing a range of tools small business can utilize to get online and do business through the Internet.
The deal enables GoDaddy to offer customers email services that utilize their domain names. It also provides its customers with cloud storage and gives access to Microsoft's full suite of productivity solutions (such as Word and Excel). All of this is underpinned by ongoing technical support. Alongside business email, Office 365 provides sharable calendars, instant messaging, and online conferencing services delivered through the cloud. Office 365 also provides robust defense against treats such as phishing, spam and malware.
"Combining our small-business expertise together with Microsoft's productivity offerings opens new doors for small businesses to easily get the tools they need to get more done in their day," explained GoDaddy's senior vice president of Business Applications, Steven Aldrich. "We've created a simple way to attach Office 365 to a domain name, helping small-business owners look professional and work anywhere, making the business of running their business easier."
Do you know of any other companies that are partnering on productivity solutions? Let us know the details. Add your comments below.