November 5, 2009 – (HOSTSEARCH.COM) – Texas based managed web hosting provider,
PerformanceHosting, has announced release of their new “Server Command” center. This allows their clients who take advantage of their dedicated web hosting services to provide them with easy access 24/7 to be able to instantly manage their dedicated servers from anywhere in the world. Such features include: Instant Reboot, monitor services such as CPU temperature and CPU Fan statistics, Network statistics and also current bandwidth in and out of the server.
PerformanceHosting CEO, Robert Abbate explains, “providing our clients with better access to these services improves their ability to ensure high availability of their server as well as making them feel more in control.” Further he adds, “we are constantly looking for ways to improve customer satisfaction in this ever-evolving world of web hosting”
About PerformanceHosting
PerformanceHosting has been an active player in the web hosting industry since 2000. The company has focused on delivering a high quality and knowledgeable technical support team 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They serve customers in over 80 countries around the world. Performancehosting believes acheiving our leadership position is upheld by our customer-oriented business model which enables our customers to be in complete control of their online presence. It is therefore, no surprise that Performancehosting has grown substantially during these years with a very high customer retention rate of over 90% and a large portion of business from current client referrals .