Web Hosting Directory HostSearch.com Announces Daily News Service

September 1, 2006
HostSearch Daily News provides a daily collection of the web hosting industry's top news stories sent directly to your email inbox

September 1, 2006 – (HOSTSEARCH.COM) – HostSearch.com, the Internet’s largest source of information related to web hosts and the web hosting industry, has announced today’s launch of a new service for its visitors - HostSearch Daily News.

HostSearch Daily News offers a daily round up of news items from web hosting and related industries. People registered to the service receive the day’s top news stories in a newsletter format sent directly to their email inboxes.

“We realized that many in the web hosting community rely on our news reports to help them keep abreast of movements within the industry,” suggested HostSearch.com’s Web Editor, Mr. John Hughes. “HostSearch Daily News is a natural extension of the news service we have been providing for a number of years. It’s an added convenience for our visitors to receive each day’s news as an email newsletter.”

HostSearch Daily News will sit alongside HostSearch.com’s existing news service, HostSearch News - a review of each month’s news and industry highlights with links to interviews and a summary of upcoming technology events around the world. “The introduction of HostSearch Daily News gives us a fully rounded news service that should be of enormous benefit to our visitors,” added Mr. Hughes.

HostSearch.com sees its news service as a tool for the entire web hosting industry and welcomes news input. “If you are involved in web hosting and have news you would like to share with the community, please feel free to use HostSearch Daily News as your platform. Simply add my email address – editor@hostsearch.com – to your news distribution list,” concluded Mr. Hughes.

People interested in registering for HostSearch.com’s new service should sign up here: https://www.hostsearch.com

About HostSearch.com:

HostSearch.com was established in 1997 and provides unbiased information about web hosting providers and the web hosting industry. The site maintains the largest database of information about web hosts available on the Internet and continually upgrades its service to ensure the information it provides meets the requirements of its visitors. To learn more about HostSearch.com visit https://www.hostsearch.com

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