January 15, 2008 (HOSTSEARCH.COM) Manchester, United Kingdom based web hosting provider 34SP.com is offering Rails 2.0 hosting, the company has announced. The recent release of Rails 2.0 34SP.com prompted the company to establish a dependable Ruby on Rails hosting solution through its VPS hosting platform.
Ruby on Rails doesnt work well in a shared hosting environment, so to take full advantage of its benefits youll need your own server, explained 34SP.coms Technical Director, Mr. Daniel Foster. A full dedicated server can be prohibitively expensive, so the 34SP.com VPS hosting solution provides the ideal stepping stone. The 34SP.com Rails VPS is already configured to run Rails applications with an Apache frontend, so youre free to get coding right away.
Ruby on Rails is a programming language and web application framework that is renowned for making the creation of complicated database-driven web applications quicker. With 34SP.coms Ruby on Rails offering, users can burst above memory and processor limits when required. The companys VPS servers use quad Xeon technology.