Web Hosting Provider GoDaddy.com's Super Bowl Commercial ‘Not-yet-confirmed’

January 31, 2006
January 31, 2006 – (HOSTSEARCH) – After the uproar caused by the commercial spot purchased by web hosting provider GoDaddy.com’s (http://www.godaddy.com) during last year’s Super Bowl, the word is that the company’s commercial for Super Bowl 2006 (featuring model Candice Michelle) is ‘not-yet-confirmed’.

According to Gambling911.com (http://www.gambling911.com), the web site for online gambling professionals, the commercial has been submitted for ABC approval on 12 occasions and has required modification each time. “We’re now working on our 13th revision,” said Bob Parsons, GoDaddy.com founder and President, “We’re fine-tuning it.” He added, “It will be a different ad than we originally submitted, but it will still be GoDaddyesque.”

Since GoDaddy.com’s outrageous Super Bowl commercial was first aired, the adverts have become as an integral a component of the event as the football. "The commercials themselves, which have practically become more important than the two teams playing, are now worthy of the sports bettor's attention as well," said Payton O'Brien, columnist for Gambling911.com, reflecting on current online betting that is related to Super Bowl commercials.

Christopher Costigan, the CEO of Costigan Media, the parent body of Gambling911.com suggests that whether the GoDaddy.com commercial gets the green light or not is now inconsequential. "Both Candice Michelle and GoDaddy.com are among the most sought after subjects on the Internet this week and that's a terrific position for a web hosting company to be in regardless of whether these commercials actually air or not," he commented.

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