Web Hosting Provider Real Value Hosting Acquires Vision Online Network's Windows Business

January 12, 2008
January 12, 2008 – (HOSTSEARCH.COM) – Web hosting provider Real Value Hosting (http://www.realvaluehosting.com) has acquired Canadian web hosting company, Vision Online Network, it was reported this week. Financial details are not available.

"We are extremely happy to announce our acquisition of VONetwork (http://www.vonetwork.net/)," explained Rajesh Kumar, CEO of Real Value Hosting. "It is the next step towards achieving our ambitious growth strategy and the continued expansion of RVH. This acquisition now makes Real Value Hosting one of the biggest Indian hosting companies, which will allow us to have a hugely positive impact on the Indian marketplace."

Real Value Hosting (RVH) hosts over 35,000 domains and has clients in over 75 countries. Existing VONetwork customers will not experience any service interruption as a result of the acquisition, and prices will not change.

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