Web Hosting Provider Site5.com Launches New Affiliate Program

January 11, 2008
January 11, 2008 – (HOSTEARCH.COM) – Web hosting provider Site5.com (http://www.site5.com/) has launched a new affiliate program, it was announced yesterday. The program features “drastically higher commission rates” with an increase of 425% on previous rates for affiliates selling to 20 or more customers.

“Our website’s successful sales conversion rates have always set Site5’s affiliate program apart,” explained the company’s CEO, Brendan Diaz. “Now, coupled with much more competitive payout rates, we fully expect to see the popularity of our new program skyrocketing over the next few months.”

The Site5 affiliate program is free to join and a control panel (‘Backstage’) enables affiliates to manage links, ads and commissions. After joining a program affiliates simply add a line of code to their website to refer and track sales.

California-based Site5 provides a range of shared web hosting options and has been operating for around 10 years.

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