Web Hosting Provider ThinkHost, Inc. Powered by Renewable Energy

December 8, 2005
December 8, 2005 – (HOSTSEARCH) – While others merely talk about action to counter the impact of global warming and other environmental threats, web hosting provider ThinkHost, Inc. has decided to take action now. The company has announced that they recently switched their hosting operations to 100% renewable energy, specifically, a mix of wind and solar energy.

Vladislav Davidzon, Executive Director of ThinkHost explained, "We've had a very serious environmental/progressive business commitment since we began. We sponsor a number of environmental groups and have had a very successful donation program in place since early 2004. Over the last 12 months, we've also made further efforts to minimize any negative impact our web hosting business has on the environment -- after all, you're either part of the problem or part of the solution -- and we've chosen to be the latter. Paying the added cost of renewable energy is an investment that we are only too pleased to make."

Although ThinkHost's infrastructure and various locations meant the company couldn't directly utilize solar panels or wind turbines as power sources, the forward thinking company invested in Green Energy Certificates to achieve its environmental goals. Mr Davidzon explained, "The certificates we acquire ensure that the equivalent kilowatts will be fed into the grid from wind/solar sources rather than non-renewable means. It's a win-win situation. The more companies that do this, the cheaper that green energy will become until we're at a point that all electricity is generated via earth-friendly methods. We let the experts in the field generate the energy, allowing us to focus on what we do best; providing web hosting services and supporting other community/progressive projects through our donation and discounts program".

Aside from relying on 100% renewable energy from this point forward, ThinkHost is also intent on spreading the word via a new blog at http://www.blog.thinkhost.com and forums at http://www.forums.thinkhost.com.

"Companies can become really secretive about their operations and miserly in what they give back to the community that they profit from," said Mr Davidzon. "To us, it's not just about the bottom line. We want to be different, to demonstrate to others how to achieve what we have through the implementation of progressive business principles and also by supporting other groups and companies who apply them. It's become quite clear that not only business, but our society and planet in general are threatened by current slash and burn practices. We're all in this together and only together can we overcome these challenges."

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