World Bank Joins Internet2 as Affiliate Member

May 6, 2005
May 6, 2005 - (HOSTSEARCH.COM) - Internet2, a proving ground for high-bandwidth technologies, today announced that the World Bank has joined Internet2 as an affiliate member. Through its membership, the Bank will connect its headquarters in Washington D.C. to Internet2's high performance Abilene Network.

The cross-country backbone is 10 gigabits per second, with the goal of offering 100 megabits per second of connectivity between every Abilene connected desktop.

By leveraging Internet2's backbone network and its connections to over 50 global peer networks, the Bank will greatly enhance its collaboration efforts with universities and research institutions in the U.S. and around the world.

"The World Bank remains focused on providing countries with the training and resources they need to facilitate economic growth," said Mohamed Muhsin, World Bank Vice President and CIO. "Through our partnership with Internet2, the World Bank can now more effectively work with remote countries and provide a richer, more comprehensive learning experience for its global community."

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