Amanah's Hosting Plans


  • Plan Name
  • Type
  • Price
  • Server Spec
  • Transfer
  • Platform
  • Dedicated - Economy
  • Dedicated
  • $150
  • CPU: 2.4 GHz
    RAM: 4 GB
    Disk Space: 500 GB
  • 30000 GB
  • UNIX/Linux
  • Dedicated - Bronze
  • Dedicated
  • $200
  • CPU: 2.53 GHz
    RAM: 8 GB
    Disk Space: 500 GB
  • 30000 GB
  • UNIX/Linux
  • Dedicated - Silver
  • Dedicated
  • $300
  • CPU: 4.8 GHz
    RAM: 8 GB
    Disk Space: 1000 GB
  • 30000 GB
  • UNIX/Linux
  • Dedicated - Gold
  • Dedicated
  • $500
  • CPU: 4.8 GHz
    RAM: 16 GB
    Disk Space: 2000 GB
  • 30000 GB
  • UNIX/Linux

100 Mb / 30 TB Dedicated Ports, 1Gig / 300 TB Upgrades, Secure VLAN, 99.99% Network SLA, U.S. & Canadian IP's, DMCA Free Zone, 24/7 Server Management & Monitoring, Windows & Linux Compatible, and Month-to-Month Contracts.

Amanah Tech has provided high-bandwidth, enterprise-class services since 2001 to VPN providers, file sharing networks, media streaming websites and web hosting businesses. Our clients include leading news organizations, popular VPN providers, multi-national Corporations and many other web-based services from more than 30 countries around the world.


  • Plan Name
  • Price
  • Server Spec
  • Transfer
  • Platform
  • VPS - Bronze
  • $20
  • Guaranteed RAM: 512 GB
    Burstable RAM: 1 GB
    Disk Space: 10 GB
  • 30000 GB
  • UNIX/Linux
  • VPS - Silver
  • $40
  • Guaranteed RAM: 1 GB
    Burstable RAM: 2 GB
    Disk Space: 20 GB
  • 30000 GB
  • UNIX/Linux
  • VPS - Gold
  • $60
  • Guaranteed RAM: 2 GB
    Burstable RAM: 4 GB
    Disk Space: 30 GB
  • 30000 GB
  • UNIX/Linux

Umnetered Performance, Dedicated Control

Amanah’s unmetered VPS is powered by SolusVM and utilizes Dell PowerEdge servers. PowerEdge servers are premium quality hardware that can handle any workload, application, or web presence you can throw at them. They all run on unmetered, 100Mbps ports (30TB/mo), so you will never see any network lag
due to high traffic. And it’s on a multi-homed Tier 1 network that guarantees 99.99% SLA uptime. All our VPS hardware is ready-to-go with Linux based software, full root access, generous resources, and more bandwidth than you can use. You can even add cPanel. Order one today!


  • Plan Name
  • Type
  • Price
  • Bandwidth
  • Transfer
  • 1U Unmetered Colocation
  • Rack
  • $100
  • 100 Mbps
  • 30000 GB
  • 42U Unmetered Colocation
  • Rack
  • $1500
  • 100 Mbps
  • 30000 GB

Our Colocation Center

We own and operate our data centre on the backbone of the Canadian internet. We don’t just sell rack space we provide unmetered bandwidth, a multi-homed Tier 1 BGP network, low latency connections and a 99.99% SLA. We also offer on-call remote-hands software & hardware support and hi-tech security 24/7/365. Our building is equipped with CCTV surveillance, uniformed security, direct utility feeds, and backup generators as well as state-of-the-art cooling and fire suppression systems.

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