Managed Hosting For People
Next-Level Managed Hosting. Perfect for beginners, built for professionals!
30-day money back guarantee
24/7 In-House Expert Support
50GBs SSD RAID disk space
Daily backups, powered by R1Soft
99.99% server uptime guarantee
Unlimitted MySQL Databases
Support PHP5, Perl, CGI, SSH, FTP, SFTP and Secure Copy, etc
SpamAssassin & ClamAV
Over 60 great applications, including WordPress
etc ...
Visit our shared hosting plans from
Available OS: Windows 2003/2008/2012, CentOS Linux, Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian, etc..
Cheap Dedicated Servers - Price start from $49.99
Custom Bandwidth Plans
Redundant Storage
100% Public Network Uptime - We guarantee that our public network, powered by dual redundant routers and major providers such as Level3, Cogent and Global Crossing, will be free of unplanned interruptions to the majority of the public Internet.
100% Power Uptime - We guarantee 100% power uptime to all clients using our line of Colossus Enterprise servers with redundant power feeds. All other dedicated server clients receive a data center wide 99.99% power uptime guarantee due to the fact that they have a single power supply.
Spare parts on-site guarantee
No-overselling guarantee
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Fast Provisioning - Unlike other solutions, both Linux and Windows virtual servers are ready to use within seconds.
RAID10 Storage - Your data is served by fast RAID10 storage devices, which also protects your data from disk failure.
Console Access - Access your server's console just as if you were sitting in front of it, for diagnostics and private access.
Point & Click - Creating a virtual machine is so easy. Choose RAM, disk and CPU, click and you are ready to go.
Fast 10gig network
Snapshots and templates
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