GoogieHost Reviews

188 reviews of GoogieHost
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Bill opiyo

I am very grateful to have met the best hosting company as this. the service is unique and tremendous technology acquired. my referal will forever to them for now i enjoy upto speed and timely updates on my site. my clients have never pointed a finger on my services, i enjoy this and wish everyone would come in contact with googiehost.
the best upgrade with ssd technology, the future is just great googiehost.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since February, 2019

Frans Julianto

Googiehost is best host for student
For student like me who wanted free hosting for building project, you can get free hosting at Googiehost. And also in Googiehost, you can request free hosting without CreditCard. Amazing, Right? One that i can say for Googiehost "Amazinggg"

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since January, 2019

Carl Wayne

Espero éxitos en este servicio
Soy Carl Wayne de Guayaquil , en Ecuador. Actualmente buscando un buen servicio de host, me encontré con esta oportunidad , la cual luego al lograr clientes pienso pasarme a Pago..paralograr mejores proyecciones de mi negocio PYMe y lograr quizas yo tambien ofrecer hospedage y diseÑo web personalizado mas desarrollo multimedia y venta de soluciones a pequeños emprendedores. Quiero crear empleo y levantar con ayuda de mas profesionales servicios apoyados por este hosting y poder asi agradecerles comparando sus servicios y recomendarlos dentro de mis proyectos para diferentes propósitos web

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since April, 2020


No ads free hosting services
No ads free hosting services with tools like control panel, SSL certificates, FTP account management and so on.

Paid plans also available.

Free services include fast MySQL database, Attracta SEO tools availability, SSD boosted system, website builder, free website templates, free CMS installation system, online file manager, spam protection - the paid plans offer more features when required.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since April, 2020


Ótima Hospedagem
Eu gostaria de agradecer à GoogieHost por fornecer um serviço tão maravilhoso e por isso sem custo e compromisso. Você pode usar a hospedagem gratuita para sempre e isso está além da comparação com qualquer outra pessoa no mercado.
Eu estava procurando por um provedor de serviços de hospedagem de sites acessível e, em seguida, me deparei com o GoogieHost e minha pesquisa chegou ao fim. Agora eu posso fazer toda a minha pesquisa e prática sem gastar nem um centavo por isso.
A GoogieHost está oferecendo um excelente serviço aos seus clientes, oferecendo-lhes um ambiente livre para desenvolver e expandir seus negócios. Você pode mudar para um plano pago assim que perceber que já praticou o suficiente e precisa de mais recursos ou de um serviço profissional.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since April, 2020

tarik bellikli

I will appreciate this service and will…
I will appreciate this service and will be greatfull hope forever, like your service.
Anyway thanks for your excellent service.
Have a nice days

I will appreciate this service and will…
I will appreciate this service and will be greatfull hope forever, like your service.
Anyway thanks for your excellent service.
Have a nice days

I will appreciate this service and will…
I will appreciate this service and will be greatfull hope forever, like your service.
Anyway thanks for your excellent service.
Have a nice days

I will appreciate this service and will…
I will appreciate this service and will be greatfull hope forever, like your service.
Anyway thanks for your excellent service.
Have a nice days

I will appreciate this service and will…
I will appreciate this service and will be greatfull hope forever, like your service.
Anyway thanks for your excellent service.
Have a nice days

I will appreciate this service and will…
I will appreciate this service and will be greatfull hope forever, like your service.
Anyway thanks for your excellent service.
Have a nice days

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since February, 2017

Aldo Quiñonez

Gran servicio
Agradecer a GoogieHost por ofrece un excelente servicio a sus clientes ofreciendo un entorno gratuito para desarrollar y hacer crecer su idea, negocio. También se puede cambiar a un plan pago tan pronto como se dé cuenta de que ha practicado lo suficiente y necesita más recursos o un servicio profesional.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since April, 2020

jean almeida

Primeira vez testando a GOOGIEHOST
Eu preciso de uma plataforma para testar meu aprendizado dia a dia.
Após a pesquisa, achei que o googiehost é minha solução para meus problemas.
antes de iniciar qualquer novo trabalho, era necessário testar a nós mesmos. após o autoteste, podemos fazer melhor. estou estudando servidor web e servidor de banco de dados working.for prático eu exigi uma plataforma que dada pelo googiehost.
Obrigado pelo seu excelente trabalho. Obrigado novamente.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since April, 2020

Yash Mishra

" Best completely free web hosting website "
After looking at a few websites providing free web hosting services I finally came across one such which is quite popular and fulfills all my requirements. Since I am a B.Tech C.S. student and at a beginner level in web development. I built a website using PHP and want to host it for free since I will not be able to make any money from this website. It provides me Cpanel which is quite an essential thing during web development,
which most of the free web hosting service providers won't provide and guess what you get this too...

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since April, 2020


Excelente Todo Gratis
Me gustaría dejar constancia de mi agradecimiento y gracias a los Servicios de alojamiento web por la asistencia y la transferencia profesional a su Servicio de alojamiento. Opero 3 sitios bastante diferentes que fueron alojados por otra compañía que entró en liquidación repentina y los abandonaron fuera de la faz de la tierra. El servicio nocturno / de fin de semana no fue un problema con todas mis innumerables preguntas de aficionados respondidas y atendidas de manera amable y servicial. Espero una larga asociación con los servicios de alojamiento web.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since April, 2020

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