gene leynes
good uptime
Company Response: email support is terrible they don't even read the emails.
good uptime
Company Response: email support is terrible they don't even read the emails.
Awesome host, very cheap, all the bells and whistles you'd need for a great website!
Company Response: Down-time can be annoying
Excellent Technical Support, Super Fast Servers, Nothing is Better!
Company Response: Information about the plans is confusing, Everything is pretty much great!
Incredibly fast response time with support (within minutes); *UNBELIEVABLE*
Company Response: Some things aren't described in enough detail for users
Absolute hosting perfection. Can't go wrong here. Tech support is amazing.
Company Response: Nothing, I haven't found anything bad about them yet. They are the real deal!
Fast Servers, Superb Tech Support!
Company Response: NONE
Good speed, good ticket response system, friendly forums
Company Response: Their uptime is not as good as I'd like it to be - I've seen more reliable.
Fast servers and quick response time.
Company Response: They changed their email control panel to a less friendly system.
Amazing tech support supper fast response, i have over 5 domains hosted with hostrocket.
Company Response: none.
Company Response: N/A