David Beale
Paid for managed VPS in advance; got unmanaged now broken
Myhosting.com was OK for two lots of 3 years paid-in-advance. About one year into a third 3-years term they got bought out (I think) and sent orders for me to change the six IP addresses. The instructions didn't work. They sent more gobbledegook and insisted I'd paid for an Unmanaged VPS...despite the fact that for over six years (and a previous VPS managed well for over three years) they'd organized new IP addresses and I'd never had to bother above sending websites to the ns1.... and ns2 from the registering agents sites. I'd been able to assign sites to various IPaddresses available to me (by some system I had no control over --- I never had to chose IP addresses nor make them available in WHM or the root system.
Nowadays an unmanaged VPS can be had for $5/month; but getting it managed starts at $25/month. Mine was a paid-in-advance about $45 (USD or AUD can't remember) system...greatly discounted (from a higher price) by paying for three years in advance.
Their "help" system consisted of picking a nominal key word and sending stock phrases relative to that plus a handful of platitudes...in effect their "help" ended up being a waste-of-time reading it. They are claiming that I'd bought a self-managed VPS...for about eight times the cost of competing self-managed VPS...
Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since August, 2020