Netfirms Reviews

55 reviews of Netfirms
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I have been a customer of Netfirms for about a year. Lousy support. "Your call is extremely important to us" for hours. Incoming email gets bounced, outgoing rejected (blacklisted as spam server), MySql times out constantly, 404, 500 errors all the time.

Services Period: Past customer during February, 2007 - March, 2008


Netfirms is historically a terrible hosting company. Thier web and mail servers are highly unreliable. Technical support is extremely unknowledgable and unhelpful.

I was a customer for 3 years and every day I was biting my teeth and worrying.

Services Period: Past customer during August, 2003 - December, 2007


Very dissapointing. Very slow servers. Email is a joke with their anti-spam filter. It's either on or off & when it's on lots of good emails get filtered out. No way to filter in the good emails. Trying to run Joomla on it is painful.

Services Period: Past customer during October, 2007 - December, 2007


Please stay away from their hosting plans are very attractive but it’s very painful at the end of the day.

Services Period: Past customer during May, 2006 - December, 2007


just cancel my hosting after a year of horrible service. took me over a month to get them to cancel plan. Problems left and right on almost everything.x.

Services Period: Past customer during July, 2006 - July, 2007


absolutely horrendous. clean URLS in TXP still dont work on netfirms servers (they claim they're looking into it but their tech support has been doddling with this issue long before i brought it up). mysql servers time out half the time. unreliable.

Services Period: Past customer during June, 2007 - July, 2007

Melinda Cooper

Netfirms is really the worst host i have ever used! Always slow and all mysql and php programs time out all the time. Their support is no support at all, they insult your intellgence!

Services Period: Past customer during June, 2006 - May, 2007


Twice have not had domains register through them - resulting in lost domains.

Services Period: Past customer during June, 2006 - May, 2007


Most horrible experience. I had 2 websites running with Netfirms for about 2 years. Control Panel always times out, website goes down about 4 times a month, customer support is non-existent. I think the servers run off 56k. NETFIRMS IS THE WORST !!!!

Services Period: Past customer during January, 2005 - May, 2007


Realy BAD hosting! don't even consider them, MYSQL always overloaded ,the techs know it but pretend to be stupid , like they cant look at MYSQL server stats for dropped connections, frequent http sever timeouts HORRIBLE & they wont fix it!

Services Period: Past customer during February, 2007 - April, 2007

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