Web Hosting Articles (Page 3)

Welcome to HostSearch Articles - a comprehensive collection of articles related to every aspect of web hosting and other related areas. HostSearch Articles offers something of interest to everyone, whether you are a complete web hosting novice, or a seasoned web hosting professional with years of experience under your belt.

Most Recent Articles

Right Infrastructure for your Reseller Business

Right Infrastructure for your Reseller Business

Choosing the right hosting provider for your business can be a harrowing experience for anyone who is not well versed with server infrastructure and its subtleties. Here are guidelines that will assist you in choosing...

January 20, 2016
Getting the Word Out as Cheaply as Possible in 2016

Getting the Word Out as Cheaply as Possible in 2016

A new year is upon us - a time that energizes us and strengthens our resolve to do something more with this coming year than we did with the last. For web hosts and other small businesses it's a time for renewed...

January 5, 2016
Overcoming Procrastination

Overcoming Procrastination

If you have always wanted to read a book about overcoming procrastination, but never go around to it, read this article instead…

January 4, 2016
New Year Resolutions for People with Startups

New Year Resolutions for People with Startups

It's the same every year ... Millions and millions of people worldwide set out their New Year resolutions at the end of December. Of course, on a personal front it's always something like 'lose weight' or 'make more...

December 29, 2015
Improving Customer Loyalty in Web Hosting

Improving Customer Loyalty in Web Hosting

Let’s face it – a lot of companies are offering very similar products and services, and that’s especially true in the web hosting industry. Simply do a search for ‘shared web hosting’ and up comes a seemingly...

December 2, 2015
Why a Mobile App Will Benefit Your Small Business

Why a Mobile App Will Benefit Your Small Business

Small businesses used to be easy to run. You set up shop, you placed an advert in your local newspaper, and you waited for business to come your way, and that was it. Unfortunately, the advent of the Internet changed...

November 6, 2015
Finding Your First Host

Finding Your First Host

Finding your first host can be intimidating. Although hosting will seem simple once you’ve been around awhile, at first it’s all very opaque. Part of the problem is simply that there’s a lot of misinformation out...

September 21, 2015
Why You Need To Plan Your Website's Content

Why You Need To Plan Your Website's Content

Building a website is generally considered a technical process that a coder or website designer should manage. Many people think it's a simple process... It's about impressing people with graphics and cool effects that...

August 3, 2015
SEO Tools You Should be Using! RIGHT NOW!

SEO Tools You Should be Using! RIGHT NOW!

Search Engine Optimization (otherwise known as SEO) is a series of techniques that help websites achieve a higher rank in Google's search results. Obviously, the higher you are in Google's list of sites for a particular...

August 3, 2015
Google Docs and Google Sheets Add-ons You Need to Use

Google Docs and Google Sheets Add-ons You Need to Use

Many people are a bit disparaging as far as Google Sheets and Google Docs are concerned. 'They are no Microsoft Office' people say. Well that's true - because unlike the online edition of Microsoft Office, Google Sheets...

June 26, 2015
Google Functions that Save You Time

Google Functions that Save You Time

To say that Google Search is a time saver is something of an understatement. Without it many people wouldn't be able to find the products and services they need, nor would they be able to plan a night out, or indeed...

June 24, 2015
Killer Chrome Apps for Gmail We Think You Need

Killer Chrome Apps for Gmail We Think You Need

Gmail is, very probably, the best cloud-based email solution currently available. More than any other system, Gmail has been responsible for the death of the email client installed on your computer hard drive. It is...

June 10, 2015
Why you Need a Professional to Create Your Website Content

Why you Need a Professional to Create Your Website Content

I have had a number of careers in my working life including freelance Content Writer for company websites. I have seen countless websites created and what I have learned over the years is that on most occasions website...

June 9, 2015
Does a Dedicated IP Address Offer More SEO Advantages?

Does a Dedicated IP Address Offer More SEO Advantages?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is both an art and a science. Obviously, the higher up Google's search rank you are, the more opportunity there is for people to see your listing and therefore visit you site, and then...

April 29, 2015
Big Data with Database NoSQL: a useful introduction!

Big Data with Database NoSQL: a useful introduction!

The word 'Big Data' has become very popular but its real meaning is often confused. Basically we can say that the word “Big Data” is related to the way to use big volumes of data in constant increase using brand new...

April 23, 2015
Are you ready for 'Mobilegeddon'?

Are you ready for 'Mobilegeddon'?

On April 21, 2015, something very special indeed will take place - a well publicized update of Google's algorithm. Google's algorithm updates are some of the world's best-kept secrets. Traditionally, people...

April 20, 2015
Rudimentary GUI Testing Can Pay Dividends

Rudimentary GUI Testing Can Pay Dividends

Brought to us by Apple and Microsoft in the 1980s, the impact of the Graphical User Interface (or GUI) was undeniable. Prior to GUIs computer programs had been driven by inputting terms and bits of code to achieve a...

April 9, 2015
Adding Notifications to Google Forms

Adding Notifications to Google Forms

In a recent article, Using Google Forms as an Email Form Solution for Your Website, we looked at how Google Apps' Google Forms solution can be used to create an email form for your website.

January 26, 2015
Why Server Speed is Important for Increasing Revenues

Why Server Speed is Important for Increasing Revenues

If your website loads slower and takes long to respond you are literally killing your sales and revenue with your own hands. Today, the key to more sales and conversion is the combination of effective content with...

December 23, 2014
Moving to a New Web Hosting Service Provider

Moving to a New Web Hosting Service Provider

There could be multiple reasons for businesses to migrate to a new web hosting service provider. The reasons vary from low disk space to poor customer service or frequent breakdowns of the server.

November 25, 2014
Panda 4.1: A Summary

Panda 4.1: A Summary

September 25th's release of Panda 4.1 impacted 3-5% of search queries with the aim of eradicating 'low quality' content from the web. While the original Panda update was intended to relieve Google search listings of...

October 24, 2014
Quell the Storm: Some Ways to Manage Email

Quell the Storm: Some Ways to Manage Email

Unless you take control of your inbox, chances are that it will take control of you. If you are like me, then every time you open your email account there are 100 emails waiting to be read. Just opening them and...

July 8, 2014
5 Google Chrome Apps I Can't Work Without

5 Google Chrome Apps I Can't Work Without

When Google brought out the Chrome web browser, it was a breath of fresh air. Although Firefox was around, it didn’t provide the alternative that Google's new invention offered. It was light, it was fast, and it was a...

July 3, 2014
Collaborating on Documents Using Google Drive

Collaborating on Documents Using Google Drive

There are so many occasions when you would like to sit down next to someone to create a new document, but they are in a different time zone or even a different country. Fortunately, for Google Drive users, the...

May 16, 2014

Top 3 Hosts From Our Search

2BlueRay Concepts