Cloud Services Provider Web Werks Now Hosts All Key Indian DNS Root Servers

Cloud Services Provider Web Werks Now Hosts All Key Indian DNS Root Servers
Cloud services provider Web Werks has announced that it now hosts all key Indian DNS root servers. Web Werks, whose head office is in Mumbai, India, was founded in 1996. The company bills itself as helping companies “build and manage profitable online business”. Its products and services include web hosting, e-commerce website development, back-end order management systems, and online marketing options alongside VPS hosting, colocation, dedicated servers, data center infrastructure services, backup and storage options, disaster recovery, and migration services.

Web Werks is one of only 3 Indian companies accredited as ICANN registrars. The company offers services through five carrier-neutral TIER-III and TIER IV data centers located in various parts of the world. In December 2015 the company started its “InternetFirst” CSR initiative deasigned to “empower the Internet users and budding entrepreneurs in India with improved internet services”.

“Web Werks already hosts most of the critical internet infrastructure along with major DNS root servers and now we also host L-root instance of DNS,” suggested a company spokesman in a press release. “We are the leaders in the successful installation of L-Root instance in India for a fault-resistant infrastructure and robust cyber security against DDoS attacks. Recently, we also partnered with globally leading CDN providers to improve network delivery services for better connectivity and faster content delivery for our users.”

Do you know of any other registrars hosting all key Indian DNS root servers? Let us know the details. Add your comments below.

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