Endurance International Acquires Fat Cow Web Hosting

April 5, 2005
April 5, 2005 - (HOSTSEARCH.COM) - As reported by the Boston Business Journal, Endurance International Group Inc. has purchased FatCow Web Hosting for an undisclosed amount.

FatCow will retain its brand name, and a marketing and technical presence in Albuquerque, however most of FatCow's servers have gone to Endurance's data center in Burlington.

Endurance International Chief Executive Steve Sydness says his firm was drawn to FatCow because of the company's branding, its customer base and growth.

A FatCow executive said the firm's revenue grew by about 25 percent annually the past few years, but did not specify a dollar figure.

Under a $99 annual flat fee pricing structure, FatCow saw its client accounts increase from 4,400 in 2001 to more than 33,000 last year.

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