Hosting Company Host Color Offers Security Advice to Web Sites

December 15, 2005
December 15, 2005 – (HOSTSEARCH.COM) – In a bid to make novice webmasters aware of the main measures required to make a web site secure from issues such as SPAM and hacker attacks, US shared hosting company Host Color LLC ( has released a number of articles on the basics of web site security.

Available from the company’s forums, the articles offer basic guidelines on securing PHP and Perl applications and underscore the importance of regularly updating web applications.

"Our company has always placed a strong emphasis on security. The main problem that we face however is that many webmasters do not realize that they need to think about all security implications when they install software on their accounts. A recent problem that we faced for example is that many of the 'Contact us' scripts that our customers install are vulnerable and can be used as open-relays by spammers. This causes serious problem for the servers since it can turn them into sources of spam. We have added detailed instructions on how this can be avoided. We have also given simple examples of what code and SQL injection are and how those can be stopped as well," said Stoyan Marinov, Host Color's Security Specialist.

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