Like most hosting companies amassing several customers can be a feat in this age of e-competition. Few quality web-hosting companies can keep good customers due to lack of dynamic web services, lethargic performance on overcrowded web servers, a reliability rating that does not properly reflect outages accurately and most of all competitive pricing. Some web designers and companies will pick up and transplant their website based on all the services mentioned above, but nothing is more resonant as too the biggest issue of them all price., a web hosting company located in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada that has achieved an impressive 2000th customer. Our growth has been astronomical, replies Lisa Jones President of Many hosting firms fail to see 100 customers milestones in there first year let alone a 2000th unique customer. We attribute our success to always listening intently to what our customers have to say and what they really want out of our web hosting services. We often monitor our competition and use this pertinent information to keep our prices in line with other hosting plans available on the market today. We are committed to excellence and are customers sticking by us are a testament to this.
Over the past year, has been a solid provider of Internet web services to help companies realize their full potential and overall goals. They continue to monitor and fine-tune their hardware for peak performance and server optimization.
Monsterhostings goal is to get more customers to your website by providing a secure and reliable web-hosting environment. As a stealth service provider they have dynamic range and depth to help your business or idea to take flight. Monsterhosting is more than just a good web hosting company they can be considered a instrumental partner who wants to help your website be successful by aligning with your companies business goals.
Monsterhosting employs diverse and talented staff members to help build a dynamic, versatile team within a robust environment consisting of a solid Internet backbone and secure operating systems. Through their synergy and brainpower Monsterhosting can amass ideas for any company that has a specific solution or a restricted budget in mind. Monsterhostings staff speaks directly with the customer to understand their requirements and then creates a package that is right inline with their financial and business objectives, adds Lisa Jones
Monsterhostings core values consist of honesty and integrity as well as their own belief that they can provide the best dynamic hosting environment on the web today. The Monsterhosting team expects nothing less from themselves except a commitment to excellence for every customer they have earned. We believe in exceeding the customers expectation, thus giving them no reason to go anywhere else! We will continue to strive towards breaking new ground in the web community as well as acquire new customers along the way.
Looking forward, Monsterhosting is now looking to add depth to their already extended web services list including:
Domain Name Registration
E-mail Web Hosting
Managed eCommerce Services
Linux, Unix, and Windows Web Hosting
In fall 2004, Monsterhosting will begin to rollout Managed Dedicated Servers and Virtual Private Servers (VPS/VDS). The need for VPS as well as leased dedicated services have grown. Monsterhosting is strategically placing themselves amongst other hosts in the top percentile to provide varying hosting services too help aid in reduced costs and outsourcing.
Fewer web designers and Systems Administrators are needed in the corporate world, we can provide these functionalities for your company! Start up companies and major corporations can concentrate on positioning their products and not have to worry about equipment failure or lack of technical support should a problem arise. We are here to aid in the success of your business 24/7/365.
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