One-stop Cloud Solution Provider Intermedia Meets Major Customer Milestone

One-stop Cloud Solution Provider Intermedia Meets Major Customer Milestone
One-stop cloud solution provider Intermedia met a major customer milestone recently. Intermedia, which has headquarters in Mountain View, California, United States, offers a range of products and services, including its proprietary ‘Office in the Cloud’ suite. ‘Office in the Cloud’ offers the “essential IT applications that companies need to do business”. These include email, communications, file backup and sharing, productivity, identity management, and security and archiving options. It is products and services like these that have helped Intermedia notch up 100,000 business customers recently.

Intermedia has transitioned from a “business email and web hosting provider” to a “provider of a tightly integrated portfolio of 30+ IT applications delivered from the cloud”. Its customers enjoy a 99.999% uptime Service Level Agreement (SLA) and benefit from robust security. All of its services are underpinned by “award-winning 24/7 support”. The company has seen significant growth over the last five years, growing by 300% and increasing its revenues to over $200 million. The key services spurring this growth include Intermedia's voice services. Likewise, its security and compliance offerings have fueled growth, as have its file backup, sync and collaboration application options, and “add-on enhancements that deliver incremental value on top of Microsoft Office 365”.

"While business needs continually change, the demand for productivity remains constant. Hundreds of competitors offer disparate point solutions – just voice, backup, security, or email – and that can threaten workplace efficiency as businesses deal with multiple unintegrated vendors, support organizations, user interfaces and bills. Intermedia continues to lead the way with a different and better approach – a robust suite of integrated solutions from a single provider," explained Intermedia’s CEO, Michael Gold. "Our 750+ employees have built a brand where more than 100,000 business customers trust us to deliver their most crucial communications services and keep their data secure."

Do you know of any other companies that have met major milestones? Let us know the details. Add your comments below.

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