Web Host APlus.net Adds 2 Blog Publishing Tools

March 10, 2005 - (HOSTSEARCH.COM) - To make it easy for novice web site owners to create and publish professional blogs, web hosting and design firm Aplus.Net has announced that they have incorporated two popular Open Source blog publishing tools into their hosting plans – the Serendipity Weblog System and the Simple PHP Blog.

Blogs (or web lots) are increasingly influential sources of news and discussion. Blogs benefit web site owners by making it easy to publish journal entries and news items in an organized system. The technology also encourages repeat web site visitors by allowing readers to publish comments about each blog entry.

“Everyone from Corporate CEO’s to 7-year-olds are keeping blogs,” said Ivan Vachovsky, Chief Executive Officer of Aplus.Net. “Aplus.Net wanted to provide our hosting customers with easy access to two of the best blog-publishing tools around.”

The “personal” blog (SimplePHP’s software) is a journal-style blog that allows users to share thoughts, ideas, information, and photos in an organized web publishing system. The “community” blog (Serendipity’s software) does the same, plus it includes advanced posting features, multi-level user access, posting categories, and database integration. Both products are simple enough for beginners to install and use, yet retain advanced features and a professional look and feel.

Both blog tools are available immediately (and without cost) to new and existing Aplus.Net hosting customers via the Web Control Panel, a Web-based software that allows customers to control all aspects of their web sites.

Blogs have seen a significant rise in popularity and interest recently: In 2003, search engine Google acquired popular blog tool Blogger; ABC News named bloggers their 2004 people of the year; and search engine AskJeeves recently announced their acquisition of popular blog index Bloglines.

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