Web Host SiteGround Announces Advanced Technology Updates

September 26, 2008
September 26, 2008 – (HOSTSEARCH.COM) – Web host SiteGround has announced advanced technology updates including implementation of the latest stable PHP branch 5.2, it was reported recently. All SiteGround servers now use PHP 5.2 while customers can still utilize PHP 5.0 and PHP 5.1 through the same hosting account after modifying their .htaccess file. According to the company, this innovation is “available with no other hosting provider”.

The company has also improved security to prevent hacker attacks by acting on several PHP directives and minimizing the number of known server vulnerabilities. These include "having register_globals and allow_url_include set to OFF keeps our clients' websites one step ahead of the hackers' attacks," explained the company’s Senior Head of Technical Support, Anatoliy Dimitrov.

In addition to these initiatives, SiteGround has modified PHP limits so that they are “much higher than the industry standards”. The modification includes a memory limit of 96 MB, maximum execution time of 45 seconds, an upload maximum file size limit of 24 MB, and a post max size of 32 MB.

SiteGround is based in Bulgaria and specializes in Mambo and Joomla hosting, alongside hosting for other Open Source solutions such as WordPress.

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