Web Hosting Provider AIT Launches New Product Lines

January 25, 2008
January 25, 2008 – (HOSTSEARCH.COM) – Web hosting provider AIT (http://www.ait.com) has launched new VPS and enterprise server lines, the company announced yesterday. There are no setup fees for the plans, which allow multiple-website hosting, and provide “flexible billing terms”. In addition, the plans include credits for advertising on the new tyBit (http://www.tyBit.com) search engine.

“To assist with the marketing and sales of any business, we are offering all new AIT hosting accounts thousands of dollars in advertising credits on the tyBit search engine and on our affiliate web properties,” explained tyBit, Inc.’s General Manager, Ms Kitti Jo Finch, “It’s just a great deal, you get tons of disk space, tons of features and benefits most of which can be resold under your own private label if you decide to take the Entrepreneurial road… but the big thing is value.”

AIT’s new lines feature ongoing free support, a free web site builder, a range of website templates, and free shopping cart system. The plan provide between 7,000 GB to unlimited transfers of data alongside 600 GB of disk space for the company’s small business VPS and 2 x 160 GB drives for its Enterprise class. In addition, there are a number of marketing tools available to users.

Each of AIT’s VPS plans has its own IP address and offers a domain name and web server with logs and configuration files, FTP Server, POP Server, and SMTP Gateway. The AIT VPS solution also enables users to create virtual domain web hosts, virtual email accounts, and virtual FTP logins.

“Most providers only offer virtual hosting, which is merely one simple feature of the VPS,” explained the company’s Chief Marketing Officer, Mr. Sean McCoy. “A real VPS is not simply a virtually hosted (Virtual Host) site on a web server we control; we give clients ‘virtual root’ access. They will see directories such as ‘dev’, ‘usr’, ‘bin’, etc. In the ‘etc’ directory, they will find their own ‘passwd’, ‘aliases’, and ‘sendmail.cf’ files’ which in turn allows them limitless flexibility to add as many POP accounts, aliases, and autoresponders they want. With AIT Virtual Servers, customers will also find an entire ‘usr/local/etc/httpd’ directory structure, including their own ‘httpd.conf’, ‘srm.conf’, ‘access.conf’ files, their own logs and ‘cgi-bin’,” said Mike Roberts, CIO of AIT. “We have developed this technology over 12 years and in terms of value, our prices are the absolute lowest in the industry.”

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