June 28, 2007 - (HOSTSEARCH.COM) - Web hosting provider Host Color (http://www.hostcolor.com) has launched a campaign promoting domains with the .EU extension. The objective of the campaign is to help European consumers and small businesses to better understand the possibilities of using the .EU name.
Host Color is providing .EU domain registration as a free add-on for two of its European hosting plans - Advanced and Business. Registration for these plans is available at the company's European website, Host Color Europe (http://www.hostcolor.eu). The .EU domain campaign starts at the same time as EURid's ".Eu Awareness Campaign" but carry on until the end of September 2007.
"Recent surveys showed that almost 2.465,000 .EU names have been registered after the domain's sunrise period announced by the European registry last year", explained Alexander Avramov, Marketing Director for Host Color. "Although the number of the new .EU domains rises month by month, the European businesses are still not active enough on promoting dot-EU and the websites based on the European name".
18% of Europeans have a domain name while only 2 percent of these domains use the .EU extension. "Host Color values its presence on any web hosting market around the world but supporting process of building the .EU identity is more than business for our company. It is something we appreciate very much."
According to Host Color only 66 percent of Internet users know that the .EU domain exists and that can register a name using this extension. Only 30% of Europeans use .EU domains to do business.