Web Hosting Provider SiteGround Introduces Newest cPanel Theme and Joomla 1.5

October 30, 2007
October 30, 2007 – (HOSTSEARCH.COM) – Web hosting provider SiteGround (http://www.siteground.com/) has introduced the newest cPanel theme to its hosting plans and “also made serious preparations to accommodate” the upcoming Joomla 1.5.

"We introduced the new x3 theme of cPanel 11 on Tuesday, and we were amazed by the amount of positive feedback received in 24 hours," explained SiteGround’s Chief Technical Manager, Tenko Nikolov. “The new theme really makes the hosting account management more intuitive than ever, but its use was further facilitated by a major tutorial update made by SiteGround. The CPanel, FTP, Email, and PHP/MySQL tutorials are now with brand new screenshots, new articles, and updated navigation.” New tutorials consider all aspects of the new version, including file and FTP managers, Webmail, phpMyAdmin, and how to use Fantastico.

According to the company, the Joomla Content Management System (CMS) is “extremely popular” among its users. Joomla is a template driven Open Source CMS with a substantial following of developers who create ‘modules’ which other Joomla users can utilize. There are also a considerable number of commercial applications developed for the platform.

"Although Joomla 1.5 is still at a release candidate stage, we see a great interest among our customers and its use is already becoming substantial," explained SiteGround’s Open Source Projects Coordinator, Kate Mihaleva. “The steps made by the company to welcome the new Joomla include a brand new tutorial for Joomla 1.5, Joomla 1.5 free installation, Joomla 1.5 optimized servers, and a free Joomla 1.5 template, which has attracted serious attention on the official Joomla contest for a default 1.5 template”.

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