64 reviews of EXMASTERS
  • Reliability/Uptime
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  • Customer Service & Billing
  • Server & Network Speed
  • Price & Value for Money


Great host with fast servers and fast network connections. Very helpful and friendly support.

Services Period: Past customer during July, 2005 - September, 2005


Servers seem great. No problem opening account, but never got ANY respons from when account were created or after trying twice regarding plan change and sub-domains.

Services Period: Past customer during June, 2005 - July, 2005

D. D.

Great support - online when you need it! :)

Services Period: Past customer during January, 2000 - June, 2005

Troy G.

Reliability = 4 = Never Goes Down
Technical Support = 4 = Always Respond
Customer Service & Billing = 4 = will email before billing and after billing consistantly
Server & Net Speed = 4= always optimal
Price & Value for Money = 4= Great pricing.

Services Period: Past customer during January, 2003 - April, 2005

DM Andersen

I Have Been Hosted There Many Times. But The Last Order, I Got No Responce What So Ever, And I Did Not Get The Sever I Paid´Good Us Dollars For.

Services Period: Past customer during March, 2005 - April, 2005

Martin V

Great host with fast servers and fast network connections. Very helpful and friendly support.
Free adult content

Services Period: Past customer during March, 2003 - December, 2010


Cheap host with fast servers and fast network connections. Very helpful and friendly support.

Company Response: none


There the best host i've had period! 100% uptime %100 service

Company Response: none at all


100% uptime, rock stable!, great value for money, tech guy waiting for your call. I love It :))

Company Response: nothing, It's my #1 :)


Very friendly and fast support, they knows what they are doing. Good and fast servers.

Company Response: I don't know. Nothing?


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  • Reliability/Uptime
  • Technical Support
  • Customer Service & Billing
  • Server & Network Speed
  • Price & Value for Money

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