MochaHost Reviews

524 reviews of MochaHost
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Mochahost Web Hosting Features
Two years ago, I was needed a web hosting plan which is affordable, reliable and fast services.

I found mochahost which have best web hosting features. I actually want, my site should be available 24/7 on internet with better performance & reliability

Services Period: Past customer during November, 2010 - August, 2012


Great service from Mochahost
I use their reseller account which provides me with capabilities to manage many of my own sites as well as other clients. It's all easy to manage and their customer support team is always quick to answer any questions. Excellent service.

Services Period: Past customer during October, 2007 - August, 2012

Lynn H

MochaHost is a good, reliable provider
Overall, I have been very happy with MochaHost since 2007, and host several sites there. Great packages, quick and helpful support. User account is sometimes confusing to understand/navigate, but emailing Support helps. Definitely would (and do) recommend

Services Period: Past customer during March, 2007 - August, 2012

Sam Steel

Excellent service, webmail a bit lacking
Service is excellent. I have had no outages with them and everytime I sent a question to support or requested the answer came back within a few hours. One area of improvement would be the default webmail as it is very basic lacking many essentials

Services Period: Past customer during January, 2012 - August, 2012

amr samier

mochahost is the best
wonderfull services and great company
but we need database system to log in from nain page

Services Period: Past customer during July, 2012 - August, 2012

Deividy Metheler

THe fatest and best, Mocha Host!
The support is the fastest and most professional I've ever worked.
The few problems I had were resolved with the support claresa and very fast.

I'm really enjoying it, and recommend it to everyone.

Services Period: Past customer during May, 2012 - August, 2012


Used to be good
My business site was hacked from their server end and they refused to tell me what login credentials were used for the hack. They were trying to hide their own incompetence. Then they refused to refund my balance when I cancelled. Horrible!

Services Period: Past customer during January, 2001 - June, 2012


Good Company
I recently joined Mohahost and I am satisfied with the company... within 1 day I have a fully functional site and blog... it is like a dream coming true... Its support team help me a lot.... Will recommend others to go for it.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since July, 2012

Arthur Vieira

I couldn't find a better and cheaper web hosting, to be honest i was hesitated when i saw the price of the hosting plans but i decided to give it a chance and it was the correct choice of mine.

Services Period: Past customer during June, 2012 - July, 2012

Jimmy Wadia

Hosting Problems
MochaHost is good. Despite initial problems in setting up my account wherein I asked some basic hosting questions which (rightfully) might have rankled somebody in the support team, everybody eventually came around and helped me, which I appreciate.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since July, 2012

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