Server Intellect Reviews

Server Intellect
9 reviews of Server Intellect
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November, 2015 - Something has changed
I'm on a "shared" server whatever that means. My site is available most of the time, but tends to be unavailable between midnight and 1 am, Pacific because somebody at Server Intellect rebooted.

Something has changed.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since November, 2011

Frank Oranzi Pureland Supply

Wish they were closer and that they could see how great they are
We had another host for our websites and had a lt of blacklist issues since they hosted a lot of spammers. Moved to Server Intellect and could not be happier with their technical knowledge and help. I highly recommend them

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since April, 2010

Francis Hemsher

Server Select is the Greatest!
Yesterday I wrote a negative review on Server Select that was totally unfair towards them...The problems I was experiencing on my site was the result of my programming errors. They quickly solved the problem.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since June, 2013

Francis Hemsher

Server Intellect is having problems
Recent problems on my site are an indicator that something has changed. Before June 2014 they were great...but what has happened? I suspect they have diluted their technical base.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since June, 2013


They're currently having problems that they did not have before.
Before June, 2014, I would have said Server Intellect is the best share Web host for the money. But some things have changed there in recent weeks. They are having technical problems.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since June, 2010

Jon Cress

Good servers with great support!
Currently leasing a Windows 2012 Server. No problems to report with 6 months of services. Very happy with ticket responses and time of responses even for little non critical requests has been great. Server Intellect has done a great job for us!

Services Period: Past customer during March, 2012 - October, 2012

Phillip R.

Server Intellect - Windows Dedicated Server
Very simply put Server Intellect provides excellent support services around the clock. Anytime we have need support or need a question answered we can pick up a phone to receive a ticket reply in a very quick time frame. No problems with Server Intellect!

Services Period: Past customer during March, 2012 - September, 2012

Richard Lee

Not recommended. Poor reliability, poor technical support, vindictive billing and overall not value for money. BEWARE you have been warned.

Services Period: Past customer during January, 2010 - June, 2011

Robert K. Goodman

Very reliable and good tech support and services. No issues with the network. I am always impressed with the level of service I receive with ServerIntellect.

Services Period: Past customer during July, 2008 - April, 2009

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