2MHost Reviews

669 reviews of 2MHost
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Helen Raga


Company Response: N/A

Sandro Asatiani

price is good and it works fine in the neighbourhood better you won't find !

Company Response: N/A

Mary Hayden

Great price, especially for someone like me who just wants to have fun and share with others as opposed to a business website. It's great!

Company Response: None that I can see.


It seems to be almost always... I've only experienced downtime 2x in the past year that I've dealt with them.

Company Response: When i send an email for support I don't even get a response until a week later and it's usually all misspelled and bad grammar. My domain was down fo

Ken Dowell


Company Response: N/A

Emil Acosta

They really do what they said: 'when you need cheap prices not cheap hosting!", the best and fast host I ever had.

Company Response: Add live chat for billing.

John Willkomm


Company Response: N/A

Andrew Rutajit


Company Response: N/A

Kevin Turner

You simply can not beat the price. $1.50 per month for web hosting is an incredible deal.

Company Response: Customer service is awful. No phone number; all questions go through email or a messageboard. They don't answer all questions. Sometimes don't respond


great value for the money it costs. several services that fit your needs

Company Response: lots of spam

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