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Alvaro Guevara

The new email for you desperate customers like me, with major downtime, weird DNS redirects, no answer to email to, but its now to:

Services Period: Past customer during February, 2005 - November, 2006

Alvaro Guevara

Lately all is falling apart, Thomas is not answering email, sites down thru-out the day, and today all hell broke loose, Dns issues, downtime, Thomas still not answering

Services Period: Past customer during February, 2006 - November, 2006


Down time is increasing and response (replies) from support is NIL. I'm moving out!

Services Period: Past customer during October, 2004 - November, 2006


Thomas moved out from and support and quality of service came down quickly. A responsive and knowledgeable support is essential to me and they are not that anymore. Unless they improve quickly I will move out.

Services Period: Past customer during January, 2005 - November, 2006


hello, iam max, i moved there last week, they had 1 server issue but the new managment is upgrading the server to handle old owners bad uptime, but so far the new server is great

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since October, 2006


Server is VERY slow and my stats are not updating. Submited a ticket one week ago someone looked at it 3 days letter but my stats are still not updating. I updated the ticket 4 times asking for someone to solve my stats problem still no reply from them...

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since October, 2006


The past month the uptime hasn't been very reliable and a few days ago I added a website monitor. In the past week the service has been down about 3 hours. I will start looking for another host. The support has been good & fast, but I need uptime!

Services Period: Past customer during September, 2006 - October, 2006

Ray Ferguson

Support no longer responds. Site and email goes down several times a week. A constant series of unannounced changes are happening including PHP versions, module vs cgi, user that it runs as and configuration etc.

Services Period: Past customer during June, 2006 - October, 2006


In the beginning everything was fine but it's getting worse. Last week I've been down for 2 days without any message of them. I tried several ways to contact them but no response .And each time the server is down, their uptime stats also...very suspicious

Services Period: Past customer during May, 2006 - October, 2006


I have been using livehost over one year, and I have many webs of my clients. Everything was fine, but last week my webs started to fail and now some of them are down. I don't know what is going on. Everything is failing: phpmyadmin, error in SQL, email a

Services Period: Past customer during March, 2005 - October, 2006


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