205 reviews of
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Juan Perez

I believe LIVEHOSTS never sleeps, because everytime i contact support they answer in minutes. They have the lowest price on the net, but also the the best features.

Services Period: Past customer during August, 2005 - December, 2005

Aden Rampley

To be honest, i have had a lot of hosts and i can honestly say that Livehost.Net without a doubt, is the best that ive ever encountered. As everyone has said the help service is amazingly fast. And the prices are brilliant. Highly Recommended.

Services Period: Past customer during April, 2005 - April, 2006


I ran from another's (non)Technical support and searched to find better. I think I've found a great host - my first couple of queries were rapidly and correctly answered! Great Host!

Services Period: Past customer during August, 2005 - December, 2005

David Lee Andrews

I have many domains, and to be honest was skeptical of a smaller independent provider. I tested the water and moved just one smaller domain to this company. I CAN'T WAIT until my hosting expires on my other domains so I can move them here. FIRST CLASS!!!!

Services Period: Past customer during August, 2005 - December, 2005

Robert Wetzlmayr

Pros: Fast support response time. Unlimited databases and e-mail accounts even with the entry plan. Full .htaccess customization capability (useful for search-engine-friendly URLs in Textpattern and Wordpress). Alerts on impending excess bandwith.

Services Period: Past customer during September, 2005 - December, 2007

jeff allen

I've tried 5 other hosts and this is a host that will make you look no further. All around awesome with very few problems. Don't know if these guys don't sleep or possibly robots, but tech support is extremely fast and truly take personal responsibilty f

Services Period: Past customer during September, 2005 - December, 2005


Your service has been wonderful. Thank you. Any time I have asked you for anything you've taken care of it right away. I have no complaints. As far as I can tell, your hosting service offers the most value for your money than anywhere else.

Services Period: Past customer during May, 2005 - December, 2005

George Siegel

Livehost is the third hosting company that I have used in the past year and it appears that I don't need to look further. I've been using them for 3 domains for 6 months or so and I have NO complaints. The service is excellent as is the response time.

Services Period: Past customer during April, 2005 - December, 2005

Steve Ferguson

Great support and uptime make this the best hosting choice I have ever made.

Services Period: Past customer during January, 2005 - December, 2005


Our needs thus far have been relatively simple, but LiveHost has met them entirely and surpassed our prior experience with some larger providers (hint: comemommy). It works, and with initial setup queries, Thomas was quick to reply with help!

Services Period: Past customer during February, 2005 - December, 2005


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